1493399_10206873343101155_6329627403766938466_o 10338466_10206906043638648_794259892187669898_o 10498155_10206906049118785_8876915591536785518_o 11148811_10206906050558821_4637513766785523377_o 11270388_10206906050038808_4417110037180663135_o 11334051_10206906050358816_4606010444772007992_oBath, in SouthWest – Somerset , Bath, England is Gorgeous.

Never seen a more consistant Architectural town than Bath with its Gorgeous 18th century Georgian buildings. Wow very nice.

Centuries of Romans and Noblemen and ladies, have take the “waters” of Bath.  After a 30 yr hiatus once again since 2008, IMG_4705you can now take the hot springs “waters” again. No longer able to use the real Roman Bath site, a newer very modern building was built in 2008 using the same waters (supposedly) bubbling up next door at the ancient Roman Bath.

Thermal Bath spa is the only place in Bath you can actually get in the infamous waters.  Not what your really expecting,its very very modern more Danish in style than Ancient Rome.  the interior is a bit disappointing for aesthetics in my opinion but the views from the roof top deck are great.

There is no smell as they are not sulphur springs but also we didn’t really feel like they gave you the benefits of other hot springs mineral spas, no soft baby skin afterwards and in fact felt a bit dried out so have to wonder if there is chlorine added to them?  But when in Rome, eh er, well when in Bath you have to do the Bath’s right? good one time but probably wouldn’t go back.  Plenty enough to do in town shopping, site seeing, architecture touring etc.  Beautiful town, great shopping

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